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Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

cheat age of empires 3

Hasil Cheat
Kode Cheat
menghilangkan kabut pada peta (kabut perang masih ada)
X marks the spot
Menambah 10,000 food
Medium Rare Please
Menambah 10,000 coin
Give me liberty or give me coin
Menambah 10,000 XP
Nova & Orion
Menggemukkan semua binatang di peta
A recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese
Aktifkan 100x kecepatan membangun
Speed always wins
Muncul suara berbeda2 ketika membunuh infantri
Sooo Good
Memunculkan Mediocre Bombard di kota
Ya gotta make do with what ya got
Menambah 10,000 wood
Menang di singleplayer
this is too hard
memunculkan truk monster
tuck tuck tuck
Menghancurkan semua perahu musuh di peta
Shiver me Timpers!
George Crushington
Where's that axe?

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